Eastern Highway

Eastern Highway Company

Traffic Engineering, Traffic Safety Products & Services

ETEP Brand
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Roadex Brand

ETEP Delineator Post

Traffic delineator posts guide foot and vehicle traffic in intersections, parking lots, roadways, and other spaces around businesses. They have bright colors or reflective sheeting to help ensure visibility. They warn, guide, and set specific boundaries for pedestrians and vehicle traffic.


Our wholesale flexible delineators are a popular choice for channelizing traffic and all of them are MUTCD compliant. If your goal is to delineate or guide traffic through a work zone area, then these recycled delineator posts are a great choice. They provide protection and visibility while being flexible enough to protect motorists and reduce damage to vehicles.

Traffic delineators are important for safely guiding traffic through confusing construction or potentially hazardous road conditions. They offer visible boundaries for areas to help delineate changes in traffic flow, alerting drivers to special road conditions like curved areas of the road, on and off ramps, and other unexpected road changes or potential safety concerns.


Material: PVC or PU

Size: 18 inches, 30 inches

Color: Orange or Custom


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