The importance of zebra crossing on the roads is significant. A zebra crossing also known as a pedestrian crossing marked with white stripes technically known as zebra stripes allows pedestrians to cross the road. Zebra Crossings are a compulsory and safe option for pedestrians especially in case of heavy traffic.
In most countries, pedestrians have priority over vehicular traffic, although the significance of the markings may vary. Let us discuss why they are called Zebra crossings and discover their importance on roads.
What is Zebra Crossing?
They are known as zebra crossings as the stripes resemble a zebra’s fur. Slough, United Kingdom, installed the first zebra crossing in 1951 to enhance pedestrian safety at existing and new crossing points.
Zebra markings have been used on roads internationally since then to represent pedestrian crossings. Many crossings have been replaced with signalized crossings due to safety concerns. Zebras escaped from the London Zoo in the middle of the 20th century and somehow managed to thrive in the urban environment.
There was, however, a downside to this. The zebras were not known for their knowledge of traffic rules, and they would often prance in front of oncoming vehicles.
Individuals have been educated about pedestrian etiquette by teaching these zebras to cross the road at safe locations.
They would be rewarded with delicious grass if they crossed the road at a safe location, which would be marked by alternating white and dark stripes. As a result, these crossing was created.

Guidelines For Zebra Crossing: How to draw zebra crossing?
Zebra crossings are a critical road safety concern in Pakistan. There are spots on the road where motorists must stop in motion and allow pedestrians to cross. Zebra crossings are used to achieve this.
However, motorists in this country are not doing so. These crossings should be a safe harbor for children, the elderly, and every other category of person to use the road without fear of being struck by a vehicle. Pedestrian crossing is a critical road safety concern in this part of the world. Pedestrians are prohibited from running while crossing the road on a zebra crossing, rather, they should walk smartly to cross the road while motorists slow down and stop.
Black and White Zebra Crossing on Roads
Drivers must stop at a black-and-white zebra crossing to let pedestrians cross the road. The majority of these crossings are white, and they alert drivers that they must give pedestrians the right of way. Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case.
Traffic lights are not always present on a white crossing, which may make crossing it challenging. In addition to the absence of traffic lights, 74% of drivers do not yield to pedestrians at these crossings, according to MIROS research.
As a result, it is the pedestrian’s job to determine when it is safe to cross the road. However, once a pedestrian has already started crossing a zebra crossing, drivers must stop to allow pedestrians the right of way.

Yellow Zebra Crossings on Roads
How the yellow zebra crossing works depends on who is closest to it. If the car is closer to the line, the pedestrian must wait to cross, and vice versa if the pedestrian is closer to the line. It is lucky that most yellow pedestrian crossings have traffic signals, which makes crossing them less difficult than their white counterparts. A crossing is safer for pedestrians when pedestrian crossings are used.
However, safety cannot be taken for granted, and pedestrians must be on their guard when crossing the road. Drivers must slow down when approaching these crossings, whether it is white or yellow.
Because some drivers may be unfamiliar with the crossing, the upgrade may be beneficial to them if:
• They failed to notice it among other lamp posts and signs on the road
• They weren’t paying adequate attention to the road—something more noticeable may catch their attention
• While other people might notice a pedestrian waiting at a these crossing, drivers might purposefully ignore them.

Importance of Zebra Crossings on Roads:
A zebra crossing with a raised top similar to a speed table might be more effective at getting drivers to yield to pedestrians. By using the zebra crossing, people can get across the road.
In addition to flashing yellow lights on white and black striped poles, there are zigzag lines on the road. It is advisable for drivers to slow down and cross the road when pedestrians are crossing. They may stand in line at the zebra crossing lines to signify their intention to cross the road.
The pedestrian crosses the road very quickly because waiting is not an option. The easiest way to control traffic is to control the traffic easily. On the other hand, there are lots of gas stations that prefer to advertise their fuel prices with led gas price signs. It is the best method to improve business visibility and exposure. It is the best approach for gasoline retailers to capture the attention of potential clients.
These lights are equipped with new technologies that allow you to put lights on any road. Most people use these lights to avoid accidents or collisions on the signal. Traffic lights assist people by signaling according to the lights. Traffic lights are available in a variety of sizes so people may select the one that best fits their road width. Professionals that have experience in the sector are the most likely to provide these lights.
It’s possible to improve the safety of a crossing by increasing the visibility of a crossing beacon to vehicle drivers.
Zebra Crossings in Pakistan
The zebra crossing in Pakistan is drawn on traffic signals so that pedestrians can cross the road safely. When the traffic light turns red, vehicles should stop behind these crossings. However, zebra crossings have disappeared in Pakistan.
In cities like Lahore and Islamabad, people don’t follow them even if they are present. When people stop their vehicles over these crossings or in front of them, pedestrians have difficulty crossing the road.
These crossings, like their similarly named animals, are rare in the metropolis due to the disappearance of white lines painted before traffic lights. On many streets, motorists no longer heed these crossings because they have faded away or have been casually ignored; others have stopped a decent distance past the traffic lights.
A crossing is a pedestrian crossing that features alternating dark and light stripes. Pakistani traffic rules state that motorists must stop their cars behind the white line that begins the crossing. These crossings allow pedestrians to cross the road safely without being struck by motorists.
Eastern Highway has played the role of pioneer in Road marking in Pakistan. The Company is one of the leading agencies that have designed zebra crossings on every important road in the country. They understand that providing a safe crossing is very important for public safety.
Frequently Asked Questions:
What is zebra crossing used for?
A zebra crossing is used to provide a designated area for pedestrians to safely cross the road. It is marked with white stripes on the road surface, making it highly visible to drivers. Vehicles are required to stop when pedestrians are crossing. It helps reduce accidents and ensures pedestrian safety.
What is zebra crossing in Pakistan?
In Pakistan, zebra crossings are present in major cities but are often ignored by both drivers and pedestrians. Traffic laws mandate that vehicles should stop when pedestrians are crossing, but enforcement is weak. Many people prefer jaywalking due to a lack of awareness and proper road discipline. Efforts are being made to improve pedestrian safety.
Why is it called a zebra crossing?
It is called a zebra crossing because of the black and white striped pattern resembling a zebra’s coat. The term originated in the UK when these crossings were introduced in 1951. The distinctive stripes make it easily recognizable to both pedestrians and drivers. The name helps in universally identifying such crossings.
What is the difference between a pedestrian crossing and a zebra crossing?
A pedestrian crossing is a general term for any designated place where people can cross the road safely. A zebra crossing is a specific type of pedestrian crossing with black and white stripes. Unlike other pedestrian crossings, zebra crossings often don’t require traffic lights, as vehicles are expected to stop for pedestrians automatically.